quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Sonic gosta de apelidos

Sonic: Well, Mister… 
Tails: Prower. Miles Prower.
Sonic: Mister Prower, I’ll review your information and let you know if you’re my new sidekick. 
Tails: Thank you very much.

                           Tails stands up to shake hands.
Sonic: Whoa, you’ve got two tails? 
Tails:What? Oh yeah, it’s just something I’ve learned to deal with. I’m actually able to use it as a propeller in case I need to—
Sonic: Tails! Anyone ever call you Tails? 
Tails: Um…no, I can’t say anyone has.
Sonic: Well, that’s what I’m calling you now. Tails! I love it! 
Tails: My name is Miles.
Sonic: ‘Sup, Tails. How’s the tails, Tails?
Tails: Miles Prower. My name is already a pun, what’s the point in making a nickname for me when my name is already—?
Sonic: Hey, Knuckles! Check out the new guy, Tails!

                           Knuckles enters.
Knuckles: For the last time, my name is Theodore. 
Sonic: You know what, Tails, we’re gonna be a great team. You and me, fighting Dr. Eggman!

                           Dr. Robotnik enters.
Dr. Robotnik: It’s Doctor Robotnik! How hard is that? I make robots, and my name is Robotnik, it couldn’t be more obvious if you tried! Ugh, I’m tired of this. Get him, TFK-4000!!! 
Sonic: Oh, you mean Metal Sonic?

Tails: What is wrong with you?


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